Friday, November 7, 2008

Our concept

We chose Jenga as our concept game and chose to concentrate on the survival aspect of the game. The map consists of three levels each with an obstacle to reach the top which is your final destination and freedom. The first level involves climbing on movable blocks to reach the top of the level before it completely fills with water.

Once reaching the second level you must press the trigger to collapse the Jenga tower (which is a spectacular sight) to create a pathfrom which you must navigate through to reach the third level. The third level consists of eight elevators but only one of them reaches your destination which covers the decison making aspect of Jenga. When you reach the top walk around the statue and WIN THE GAME!!!


Third Level: Choose the correct elevator to reach the your destination and win the game!!!

Second Level: Collapse the Jenga blocks to create a path to the top.

First Level: Water spews from pipes filling the room creating a timer.

Gamplay video clip


Expertise in Action Demo


Final UT Environment


Draft UT Environment


Experimental Video - Particle

Group Statement - Particle

I am in charge of the particle aspect of UT3. This involves researching our concept game Jenga and find ways to represent its features through particle systems. I will have to research the logistics of the game and incorporate particle systems to create a theoretical standpoint which viewers can observe. This process includes watching tutorials so I can represent the concept of Jenga through particle systems in the most effective way. Our map will predominantly use water particles so much research will be needed in this department.

Group: LO and CO

Groupname: LO and CO

Members:Mathew Lo, Justin Lo, David Shi

Monday, September 22, 2008

3 Animations Download

These extrusions are inspired by my experiment 1 videos. It represents the concept that explosions can take apart a whole mass and create different volumes. The sections show the suttle patterns in the creation of these new volumes although they make look random there is a pattern within the random ratios of volume and air.

3DS Max Models

Cactus: cactus.max

Solidworks Models

Cactus: Cactus.SLDPRT
YSOLID: 26%ysolid.SLDPRT
XSOLID: 51% xsolid.SLDPRT

Screen captures

X VOLUME: 26%: 25968 cubic metres

Y VOLUME: 51%: 50937 cubic metres

Cactus Model: Volume = 99877.79 cubic meters

Monday, August 18, 2008

Custom Machinima

My aim of this custom machinima was to exhibit the effect of explosions using different materials and the comparison of debris after each explosion.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Machinima explosion

I chose this video because it depicts the power of an explosion and its ability to dismantle an object into many different pieces. It also exhibits the volatile nature of explosions, this idea that an outcome of an explosion cannot be preconceived is very interesting to me.